Eradicate Illiteracy:One Student One book one dream movement. OVER 500,000 BOOKS IN OUR LAWRENCE MASSACHUSETTS WAREHOUSE.


400,000 Books

100,000+ Kids

4,500 Items

Welcome to Faith Kenya Mission (One Student One Book One Dream Movement)

Who Are We?

Faith Kenya Mission (FKM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2020, we aspire to create a more equitable society. Our goals primarily focus on alleviating illiteracy, improving access to educational materials and empowering underserved communities. We aim to reduce illiteracy levels in these communities by offering comprehensive literacy programs tailored to the specific needs of the communities we serve.

A family posing for a picture in front of the american flag.

Faith  and her daughter, Tomi Dobbs, met with Mayor DePeña and State Rep. Estela Reyes of Lawrence, Massachusetts, to discuss the book donation effort.

Through our compassion and dedication to serving, we work to empower communities and deliver programs that provide accessible and affordable healthcare, quality education, training, and clean water. We aim to have a long-term impact on the region that promotes sustainable growth and development now and for generations to come. We partner with low socio-economic communities in Massachusetts including Lawrence, Billerica, Lowell, Chelsea, Dorchester, Worcester, Brighton and areas in Greater Boston.

A woman standing on stage in front of a ted sign.

 Meet Our Student Initiative Leader

Community Activist Tomi Dobbs is a speaker, community activist, and founder of the One Student - One Book - One Dream movement. At 10 years old, she fulfilled her desire to become an author, wrote three books, and did a TEDx Talk. Her mission is to make sure everyone has access to books, and has sent over 400,000 books to people in Kenya and her home state, Massachusetts. A resident of Lexington, Massachusetts, Tomi loves biking at the Minute Man Bike Trail. Tomi’s TEDx Talk link is down below!

Watch Tomi Dobbs speak at TEDxYouth@ElliotStreet on her literacy initiative!

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In the USA

  • Lawrence
  • Billerica
  • Chelsea
  • Worcester
  • Dorchester
A map of the united states with an american flag on it.

In Kenya

  • Kibera
  • Iltilal
  • Mtito Andei
A map of kenya with the flag painted on it.

How We Accomplish Our Mission: Literacy

Books provide a source of knowledge, spark imagination, and help to improve critical reading, writing, and speaking skills. They also improve overall intelligence and memory. We provide programs that help children and teens in Massachusetts gain access to a wide variety of books and other reading materials so that they can learn and develop these skills and increase their knowledge of a variety of different subjects.

We help build book closets and provide books and other reading materials to centers, schools, and communities.

Students receiving books from Lawrence Warehouse

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Tomi Receiving books from Philip Exeter Academy

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Book closets in Lawrence Public School & Youth Centers

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We Collect Books from Generous Organizations like Libraries, Bookstores & Individual Donors

A group of people sitting on the ground next to a truck.
A man standing in front of boxes and a cart.
A pile of books that are in the ground.
A woman standing next to a pile of luggage.

We Recruit Incredible Homeless Volunteers to Help Us Pick Up & Pack the Books

A man with tattoos holding books in his hands.
A group of men standing in front of boxes.
Two men are loading books into a truck.
Two men holding a magazine in front of a wall.

We Ship & Deliver Thousands of Books to Worthy Organizations and People

A warehouse filled with boxes and people standing around.
A truck with boxes on the back of it
A man standing next to a forklift loading boxes.
A large yellow forklift is pulling a trailer.

We Deliver Books, Delighting & Educating Women & Children Across Many Organizations

A group of women standing around a table full of books.
A group of people sitting around in the dirt.
A group of children standing around a table with books.
A group of people standing around boxes and books.
A group of people standing around a pile of books.
A group of people sitting around in front of an american flag.
A group of children posing for a picture in front of a school sign.
A group of people standing in front of a building.

Our Impact in Kajiado Kenya

Our mission is fueled by the incredible support of individuals and organizations who share our passion for positive change.

LIONESS AND HER CUBS.FREE WATER FOR ELEPHANTS.Impact of Water Project In Iltilal, a village right at the border of Tsavo Park in Kenya, dictated by the sight of dry land, cows and goats grazing, some taking cover from the scorching sun under the acacia trees. Life in the village is a constant negotiation with nature, always hoping for rainfall, unfortunately, drought was affecting most parts of Kenya. The villagers, resourceful in their challenges, dug a water hole to tap into clean water, a lifeline in the midst of drought. This water hole was dug at the only secondary school in the area, Iltilal Mixed Secondary School. However, the water was too little for everyone’s use, and in most cases, it would be dirty. Open for all to access, both wild animals and people. A hole, dug by the villagers to access clean water, had became a lifeline and an unexpected challenge. For the villagers, it was always normal to see wild animals coming to drink water from the hole. However, the students and the villagers were always keen, keeping some distance from the hole or seeking safety in case a wild animal showed up unaware. Occasional sight of debris of fallen twigs and dead animals that had gotten stuck in the hole and some instances, the water would completely dry out. In a quest for water during a severe drought, a lioness and her two cubs went to drink water from the hole. Sadly, the cubs found themselves trapped in the depths of the pit. Fortunately, the hole was dry. For two days or so the lioness was heard crying from the bushes. Creating an unsettling tension among the students. The lioness, despite being known for their fearsome reputation, this particular lioness remained rooted near a particular bush, refusing to abandon her post. Concerned for the welfare of both the students and the wildlife, the principal swiftly contacted the Kenya Wildlife Federation officers responsible for safeguarding the park's animals. With unwavering dedication, the officers mobilized, equipped with tranquilizers with a goal of rescuing the distressed cubs. The weakened state of the young cubs indicated days of starvation and thirst. The lioness all this while still in the bushes waiting on her cubs. Accustomed to living with wildlife now and then, the principal extended a gesture of goodwill. A goat was slaughtered and water was offered to the lioness and her cubs not long after waking up. Shortly after, the lioness and the cub peacefully wandered off toward the national park. The marvels of nature. A unique harmony exists between the villagers of Iltilal and the wildlife from Tsavo National Park. This was a great driving force towards drilling a borehole at the secondary school. An initiative that has benefited the school, the community, and the wildlife that unknowingly wanders into human territory. This would not have been possible without the support of the people of Lexington, words can’t describe how grateful we are, the villagers of Iltilal are indebted to you. THANK YOU, AMERiCA!

Impact of Water Project With the help of the generous donations made by the people of America, 
One  Student One book One dream movement was able to facilitate the drilling of a borehole that would act as a source of
water for the people of Iltilal. This borehole has acted as a symbol of unity, quenching
the village's thirst and nurturing a thriving ecosystem, where each drop of water carries
the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
The existence of this borehole at Iltilal Village has been of great benefit to the school.
The students are now freed from the daunting chore of having to look for water for use
at the school. Additionally, the principal has been able to save on the cost of buying
water which would be delivered using a donkey.
With a population of over 300 kids, this water would not be enough to sustain the
students whereby some are boarders in the school.
With the coming of a new dawn, the principal embarked on a new venture, one which
at one point only seemed a dream; farming. The available vast pieces of land that
were at some point staying idle due to drought are now being put to good use. They
are now planting beans, kale, tomatoes, and fruits. With the availability of water, the
school has now become a hub of innovation, fostering a healthier community and a
great catalyst for hygiene awareness.
Consequently, this has motivated the principal to strategize on reducing the school
fees for the students.
In return, this will make the school admission easier for new students to the school at
Iltilal village.This will inspire more kids to enroll in the school, an action that was
almost becoming impossible due to the hard state of living.
On top of that, animal drinking points have been set up so that any wildlife that
wanders off searching for drinking water will not cross paths with the villagers.
Elephants, giraffes, zebras as well as other fierce wild animals come to these drinking
points, creating a harmonious co-existence between humans and animals. One Student One Dream is working together with local communities
to transform the lives of those who can’t access two important basic commodities water
and education. Gratitude goes who have supported our cause.

How We Accomplish Our Mission: Math Program

We have expanded into helping students with their math skills, practicing math for at least 30 minutes daily. To reach this goal, Faith Kenya Mission partners with the Art of Problem Solving, an exceptional math program based in California with reach throughout the United States.

The Art of Problem Solving donated math textbooks and online resources, including:

  • 150 Beast Academy Online student accounts
  • This gives students access to their online platform with 20,000+ problems, puzzles, and activities across more than 1,000 lessons
  • It also includes over 1,000 instructional videos

Already, over 200 students' lives have been impacted by this new program.

How We Accomplish Our Mission: Water

We distribute water from the borehole to the school kitchen, dormitory, storage, and the market water point. The goal is for the community to get water and buy at a reasonable rate in order to:

  • Sustain the project
  • Have more students board and reduce the morning walking trend
  • Plant a vegetable garden
  • Provide water troughs for wild animals that live alongside them

This water project is at ACK Mtito-Andei, providing water to 700 students and 4,763 people in the community.

Below, you will see how we start with an open field, we dig trenches and holes until we find water. In the end, we find clean water for the community!

A group of people standing around in front of a drilling rig.
The machine digs 200 meters down to find water.
A dirt road with people on it and some bushes
Then, we start digging the trenches.
A dirt road with a hole in it
Then, pipes are added to the trenches.
Two people in a field with dirt and trees
The water begins to be pumped into the tanks.
Two people sitting in a hole dug out of the ground.
The workers are actually in the holes, standing on the tanks.
A group of people standing in the woods.
The many workers who help to dig the trenches.
A couple of black water tanks on top of a wooden structure.
The tanks hold water that is supplied to markets and schools.
A metal tower with two people sitting on it.
Gravity helps deliver the water!

To view the journey to clean water in the process, enjoy the videos below!

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What’s Happening at Home in Massachusetts?

Faith Kenya Mission America was recently awarded a private grant to provide online math resources to students from low-income areas in Massachusetts.

One of Our Many Success Stories

A young boy standing next to luggage and mattresses.

Education opens doors for children that enable them to achieve the goals they set. Education promotes the development of critical thinking, decision-making, and interpersonal skills that are needed to contribute to society and develop sustainable communities. We work to make sure as many children as possible receive the education they need to achieve their goals and serve their communities.

We offer formal, informal, non-formal, accelerated, and essence-based education programs. We help build schools and provide education in traditional classroom-based education provided by trained teachers. For out-of-school youths, we provide informal education through our after-school programs in communities, libraries, or at home. Our education programs are often conducted by volunteers or certified teachers.

Educating Ngilisho

Ngilisho is one of the many underprivileged children in Kenya whose hopes of getting an education have been restored through our Faith Kenya Mission America and Kenya Literacy Partnership initiative.

A group of people standing next to each other.
A man and woman standing with a child.
Here he is in new clothes and with supplies, ready to learn!
A group of people standing in front of a stone wall.
Here is Ngilisho with his family.
A family standing in front of some books
With the help of Faith Kenya Mission, Ngilisho was able to attend school.
A man and woman standing with a child.
Here he is in new clothes and with supplies, ready to learn!
A person standing next to some luggage in a room.
When Ngilisho attends school, he comes home with a mattress and new clothes!
A group of children sitting at tables in a classroom.
Here is Ngilisho in his classroom! He can write his name!

Get Involved in Faith Kenya Mission

Faith Kenya Mission is a 501 (c)(3) Public Charity, EIN 85_3204369. Gifts are tax-deductible.

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